18 research outputs found

    Implementaci贸n de un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas para Mejorar la Atenci贸n al Paciente

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    La presente investigaci贸n de tesis responde al siguiente problema general 驴 C贸mo un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas mejora la atenci贸n al paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel ?, el objetivo general fue: Desarrollar un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas que mejore la atenci贸n del paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel, y la hip贸tesis general que debe contrastarse es: La implementaci贸n de un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas mejora positivamente la atenci贸n administrativa del paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel. La metodolog铆a general de investigaci贸n es el cient铆fico, el tipo de investigaci贸n es el aplicado, de nivel descriptivo-explicativo y de dise帽o pre experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo. La poblaci贸n est谩 constituida por 67 pacientes que arriban diariamente en promedio al centro de salud San Miguel de la ciudad de Lima, no se utiliz贸 t茅cnica de muestreo sino un censo por tratarse de una poblaci贸n peque帽a. La principal conclusi贸n de la investigaci贸n es que con la implementaci贸n del Sistema de historias cl铆nicas se mejor贸 la atenci贸n administrativa del paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel.Tesi

    TIC y aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes de una universidad de Lima Norte, Lima, 2020

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    La presente tesis titulada TIC y aprendizaje significativo en estudiantes de una universidad de Lima Norte, Lima 2020 fue presentada para obtener el grado de Maestro en Educaci贸n por la Universidad C茅sar Vallejo, Lima, Per煤 y tuvo como objetivo determinar la relaci贸n entre las variables en estudio. Emple贸 el tipo de investigaci贸n b谩sica, de nivel correlacional descriptivo, de enfoque cuantitativo; de dise帽o no experimental transversal. Se trabaj贸 con una muestra censal de 120 estudiantes universitarios y el tipo de muestreo fue no aleatorio. La t茅cnica que emple贸 fue la encuesta y el instrumento para la recolecci贸n de datos fue el cuestionario debidamente validado a trav茅s del juicio de expertos. Concluy贸 que existe una relaci贸n significativa (rho = 0.710; p = 0.000 < 0.05) entre las TIC y el aprendizaje significativo en la muestra estudiada

    La resiliencia como factor fundamental en tiempos de Covid-19

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    At present, where there is a global health crisis due to a virus called Covid-19, presenting a great challenge for the field of medicine and a drastic change in people's lives, a different way must be devised to be able to mourn because the virus is still in force in the environment, in addition to having lost many lives, a duel is not allowed with the respect and custom that is had in different cultures. Throughout the pandemic, there are moments of anguish, pain,depression and chaos; having to overcome drastically and resiliently. The present investigation is of a mixed, exploratory-descriptive type, the results of which are carried out for the academic context by means of a simple random sampling, based on the calculation of the sample and the predisposition of the respondents to participate voluntarily, taking as a sample 261 people between youth and adults aged 20 to over 60 years. In conclusion, post-pandemic resilience can be seen in respondents who are proneto a state of depression and anxiety, the same that must be attended by specialists providing psychosocial support.En la actualidad, en donde se vive una crisis mundial de salud a causa de un virus llamado Covid-19, presentando un gran reto para el campo de la medicina y un cambio dr谩stico en las vidas de las personas, se debe idear un modo diferente de poder llevar el duelo porque el virus sigue vigente en el entorno, adem谩s de haber perdido muchas vidas, no se permite realizar un duelo con el respeto y costumbre que se tiene en distintas culturas. A lo largo de la pandemia, se muestran momentos de angustia, dolor, depresi贸n y caos; debiendo superar de manera dr谩stica y resiliente. La presente investigaci贸n es de tipo mixta, exploratoria- descriptiva, cuyos resultados se realizan para el contexto acad茅mico mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, en base al c谩lculo de la muestra y la predisposici贸n de los encuestados de participar en forma voluntaria, teniendo como muestra a 261 personas entre j贸venes y adultos de 20 a m谩s de 60 a帽os. En conclusi贸n, la resiliencia post pandemia se puede advertir en los encuestados que se encuentran proclives a un estado de depresi贸n y ansiedad, el mismo que debe ser atendido por los especialistas brindando un apoyo psicosocial

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: 5G Network Design and Simulation Based on Mimetic Technique Control System

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    The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) exhibits promising advancement with underwater acoustic wireless network communication (UWSN). Conventionally, IoUT has been utilized for the offshore monitoring and exploration of the environment within the underwater region. The data exchange between the IoUT has been performed with the 5G enabled-communication to establish the connection with the futuristic underwater monitoring. However, the acoustic waves in underwater communication are subjected to longer propagation delay and higher transmission energy. To overcome those issues autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is implemented for the data collection and routing based on cluster formation. This paper developed a memetic algorithm-based AUV monitoring system for the underwater environment. The proposed Autonomous 5G Memetic (A5GMEMETIC) model performs the data collection and transmission to increase the USAN performance. The A5GMEMETIC model data collection through the dynamic unaware clustering model minimizes energy consumption. The A5GMemetic optimizes the location of the nodes in the underwater environment for the optimal data path estimation for the data transmission in the network. Simulation analysis is performed comparatively with the proposed A5Gmemetic with the conventional AEDG, DGS, and HAMA models. The comparative analysis expressed that the proposed A5GMeMEMETIC model exhibits the ~12% increased packet delivery ratio (PDR), ~9% reduced delay and ~8% improved network lifetime

    E-Government and its Development in the Region: Challenges

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    Objective: This article, of a theoretical nature, was oriented to the contextual analysis referred to digital government, its origin, aspects, and trends; mainly, the way in which it was implemented and developed in some Latin American countries was emphasized, in addition to the reflections on the implications related to digital government in the current situation, as well as the challenges it has been facing and future challenges. 聽 Theoretical framework: The universe of more contemporary aspects regarding electronic government was explored from the perspective of state management, as well as the foundations on which it has been consolidating and the changes it has undergone and at the same time generated in its wide spectrum of applications. 聽 Design/Methodology/Approach: A descriptive systematic review has been implemented with the collection of various definitions, approaches and strategies in relation to electronic government. Based on the qualitative approach, the analysis and extraction of various articles with relevant information from various databases such as Scopus, Ebsco, ProQuest and Scielo was carried out; taking into account those of the last four years. 聽 Findings: The acceptance of electronic government processes was based on the characteristics of citizens and their attitude towards technology; public bodies continue to show a series of problems, among which a marked inability to resolve the duties effectively and efficiently in charge despite having the appropriate technological tools and implements stands out. Research, practical and social implications: Future efforts that seek not only electronic government, but also a scaffolding that supports the development of administration processes through TIC and new platforms based on artificial intelligence. 聽 Implications/Originality/Value: The real implementation of an electronic government requires, urges and forces cultural changes in society due to the use of TIC and cutting-edge technological resources

    Security of Big Data over IoT Environment by Integration of Deep Learning and Optimization

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    This is especially true given the spread of IoT, which makes it possible for two-way communication between various electronic devices and is therefore essential to contemporary living. However, it has been shown that IoT may be readily exploited. There is a need to develop new technology or combine existing ones to address these security issues. DL, a kind of ML, has been used in earlier studies to discover security breaches with good results. IoT device data is abundant, diverse, and trustworthy. Thus, improved performance and data management are attainable with help of big data technology. The current state of IoT security, big data, and deep learning led to an all-encompassing study of the topic. This study examines the interrelationships of big data, IoT security, and DL technologies, and draws parallels between these three areas. Technical works in all three fields have been compared, allowing for the development of a thematic taxonomy. Finally, we have laid the groundwork for further investigation into IoT security concerns by identifying and assessing the obstacles inherent in using DL for security utilizing big data. The security of large data has been taken into consideration in this article by categorizing various dangers using a deep learning method. The purpose of optimization is to raise both accuracy and performance

    Artificial intelligence in public management in times of Covid-19

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    The use of artificial intelligence has surpassed the academic approach, and transcends due to its benefits, which are oriented to the development of public management. This research was carried out with the purpose of analyzing artificial intelligence in public management in times of Covid-19, specifically addressing the relevance of opportunities, impact assessment and the great potential offered by artificial intelligence. The methodology that was used refers to a documentary review in the following scientific bases Scopus, Taylor & Francis, Wos, Ebsco and Scielo, which provides a broad and important overview of artificial intelligence and its impact on public management in times of crisis. pandemic. The results mark certain keys to design policies and strategies for the use of artificial intelligence in different contexts of public management, showing the benefits and challenges. It is concluded that the arrival of technological advances reveals the scope of technology to public management, a diversity of means or instruments for its efficiency and impact put into operation, giving support in the development of control systems that grant legality and generate democratizing processes. for public address

    5G with Fog Computing based Privacy System in Data Analytics for Healthcare System by AI Techniques

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    Fog computing architecture is an extended version of the cloud computing architecture to reduce the load of the data transmission and storage in the cloud platform. The architecture of the fog increases the performance with improved efficiency compared with the cloud environment. The fog computing architecture uses the 5G based Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for performance enhancement. However, due to vast range of data availability privacy is challenging in the fog environment. This paper proposed a Medical Fog Computing Load Scheduling (MFCLS) model for data privacy enhancement. The developed architecture model of optimization-based delay scheduling for task assignment in the fog architecture. The healthcare data were collected and processed with the 5G technology. The developed MFCLS model uses the entropy-based feature selection for the healthcare data. The proposed MFCLS considers the total attributes of 13 for the evaluation of features. With the provision of service level violation, the fog computing network architecture will be provided with reduced energy consumption. The developed load balancing reduced the service violation count with the provision of desired data privacy in the fog model. The estimation of the time frame is minimal for the proposed MFCLS model compared with the existing DAG model. The performance analysis expressed that SLRVM and ECRVM achieved by the proposed MFCLS are 28 and 43 respectively. The comparative examination of the proposed MFCLS model with the existing DAG model expressed that the proposed model exhibits ~6% performance enhancement in the data privacy for the healthcare data

    Implementaci贸n de un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas para Mejorar la Atenci贸n al Paciente

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    TesisLa presente investigaci贸n de tesis responde al siguiente problema general 驴 C贸mo un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas mejora la atenci贸n al paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel ?, el objetivo general fue: Desarrollar un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas que mejore la atenci贸n del paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel, y la hip贸tesis general que debe contrastarse es: La implementaci贸n de un Sistema de Historias Cl铆nicas mejora positivamente la atenci贸n administrativa del paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel. La metodolog铆a general de investigaci贸n es el cient铆fico, el tipo de investigaci贸n es el aplicado, de nivel descriptivo-explicativo y de dise帽o pre experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo. La poblaci贸n est谩 constituida por 67 pacientes que arriban diariamente en promedio al centro de salud San Miguel de la ciudad de Lima, no se utiliz贸 t茅cnica de muestreo sino un censo por tratarse de una poblaci贸n peque帽a. La principal conclusi贸n de la investigaci贸n es que con la implementaci贸n del Sistema de historias cl铆nicas se mejor贸 la atenci贸n administrativa del paciente en el Centro de Salud San Miguel